Mania & Hypomania Treatment in Cincinnati, Dayton, and Columbus
Get treatment for manic symptoms from experienced mental health doctors. Contact us today to learn more — we’re here to help!

KAV Mental Health & Psychiatry is a compassionate provider of mania and hypomania treatment in the Cincinnati, Dayton, and Columbus areas. We provide our patients with access to Ohio’s top doctors for manic and hypomanic symptoms, easily accessible though our online telehealth services.
Manic episodes are periods when people feel euphoric, elated, and full of energy. Though they may feel happy due to the mania, this can also be dangerous as they also usually sleepless, have difficulty focusing their thoughts, and can be prone to poor and risky decision-making such as spending money they don’t actually have.
Mania and hypomania usually occur as part of bipolar and are preceded or followed by periods of depression. However, it’s possible for mania and hypomania to occur on their own.
Manic Episodes Vs. Hypomanic Episodes: What’s the Difference?
This difference is also the main factor that separates bipolar disorder I and bipolar disorder II; people with bipolar disorder II experience hypomania, and not the full-blown mania of bipolar disorder I.
Symptoms for mania and hypomania vary, but both have recognizable signs such as:

- Increased energy, agitation, or activity
- Feeling more twitchy or restless than usual
- Increased or misplaced confidence
- Less need for sleep
- Racing thoughts and speech
- Lack of concentration
- Increased risk-taking and compulsivity
- Low or no appetite
- Children and adolescents may act out against authority, or overly silly

Modern science currently believes that there is no single cause of mania, or the bipolar disorders it is often a part of, but several factors contribute to the likelihood of a person having it. Some research indicates brain chemistry and structure may differ in people with bipolar disorder, but most studies agree that those with a family history or genetic predisposition are most likely to experience mania.
Manic & Hypomanic Symptoms
Symptoms for mania and hypomania vary, but both have recognizable signs such as:
- Increased energy, agitation, or activity
- Feeling more twitchy or restless than usual
- Increased or misplaced confidence
- Less need for sleep
- Racing thoughts and speech
- Lack of concentration
- Increased risk-taking and compulsivity
- Low or no appetite
- Children and adolescents may act out against authority, or overly silly
Mania & Hypomania Triggers

Modern science currently believes that there is no single cause of mania, or the bipolar disorders it is often a part of, but several factors contribute to the likelihood of a person having it. Some research indicates brain chemistry and structure may differ in people with bipolar disorder, but most studies agree that those with a family history or genetic predisposition are most likely to experience mania.
Long-Term Effects of Mania & Hypomania
Though people suffering from mania and hypomania often feel great in the moment, both can have devastating effect on patients’ lives. Some spend beyond their means, putting themselves into long-term debt. Others may damage their health by not sleeping enough, abusing drugs, having risky sex, or putting themselves in physical danger.
Mania is not a permanent state of mind, and every person will eventually come down, often into a dangerous depressive episode. The more extreme and erratic someone’s behavior during a manic episode, the more self-hate they may experience while at a low.

Mania & Hypomania Treatment with KAV Mental Health & Psychiatry
KAV Mental Health & Psychiatry’s renowned team of mental health professionals is experienced at providing comprehensive treatment plans for mania and hypomania. Our skilled doctors and counselors can help stabilize patients’ moods with prescription medication, and then help them understand and manage unhealthy thought patterns and impulses through counseling services.
Individual counseling helps patients work on self-control, preventing them from damaging their health and lives by engaging in risky behavior. Our group therapy sessions, led by licensed counselors, help connect patients with others who understand their struggles and can show each other ways to better manage themselves in a supportive, non-judgmental environment.
Our staff at KAV Mental Health & Psychiatry want treatment to be as accessible as possible, so our doctors and counselors take appointments online six days a week, with same-day options available. Our team provides quality, understanding care — that’s completely confidential — through our HIPAA-compliant video platform.