Insomnia Treatment in Dayton, Cincinnati, and Columbus, OH
Helping You Get the Rest You Need to Live Your Life to the Fullest!

Chronic Insomnia Treatment in Ohio
KAV Mental Health & Psychiatry is a mental health disorder treatment provider for patients in Southwestern and Central Ohio. We use a combination of psychiatric treatment and counseling to help patients from Dayton, Cincinnati, Columbus, and beyond manage their mental health disorders and improve their quality of life.
Although people don’t always think of insomnia as a mental health disorder, it’s one of the most common conditions we treat. We’re able to bring our patients peace to relieve the stress associated with insomnia, and either treat it directly or treat any related conditions that may be causing it. Below, you can learn more about insomnia, why you should get help, and how we can be that help.
What Is Insomnia?
Insomnia is a very common sleep disorder that makes it hard to fall asleep, stay asleep, and get back to sleep once you’ve woken up. Insomnia leads to constant exhaustion, which can make everything more difficult, including work, family responsibilities, and even day-to-day tasks such as driving.
Many adults will experience some form of insomnia during their lifetimes, often because of a traumatic event or ongoing stress. Insomnia usually lasts for days to weeks, but when it lasts for a month or longer, it is considered long-term or chronic insomnia.
Types of Insomnia
Insomnia can be someone’s primary disorder, but it is often related to other conditions. Whether as a primary or secondary condition, insomnia generally comes in two main forms:
Acute Insomnia (short-term)
caused by trauma or stress. Usually lasts for a few days to weeks.
Chronic Insomnia (long-term)
the result of ongoing life habits, stress, or life events that can disrupt sleep for a month or longer.
Insomnia can be caused by all kinds of stimuli, including:
- Stress
- Mental health disorders such as anxiety
- Some prescription medications
- Medical conditions, sleep-related disorders such as sleep apnea
- Dependence on caffeine, nicotine, or alcohol
- Aging affecting sleep patterns, activities, or health
- Eating too much too late
- Workplace difficulties, irregular schedule, jet lag, being overly busy
- Changes in menstrual cycle, or menopause
- Pregnancy, changes in menstrual cycle, or menopause
Insomnia is also a common occurrence due to detrimental sleep habits, such as irregular bedtimes; naps; uncomfortable sleeping environments; using your bed for work; or performing stimulating activities before bed, such as using smartphones and other screens before sleep.

Signs & Symptoms of Anxiety

The main indicators of insomnia are:
- Difficulty falling asleep
- Waking up too early during sleep
- Waking up during the night
- Not feeling rested after waking up
- Anxiety or depression
- Irritability
- Lack of focus
- Increased errors or accidents
- Worrying about sleep
- Daytime tiredness
Causes & Risk Factors of Anxiety

Insomnia can be caused by all kinds of stimuli, including:
- Stress
- Mental health disorders such as anxiety
- Some prescription medications
- Medical conditions, especially sleep-related disorders such as sleep apnea
- Dependence on caffeine, nicotine, or alcohol
- Aging affecting sleep patterns, activities, or health
- Eating too much too late
- Workplace difficulties: jet lag, being overly busy, or an irregular work schedule
- Changes in menstrual cycle, or menopause
- Pregnancy, changes in menstrual cycle, or menopause
Long-Term Effects of Insomnia
Insomnia can be frustrating on its own, but its effects on overall health also take their toll. Sleep deprivation from insomnia leads to deteriorating physical health, exhaustion, and mental fatigue. Long-term health effects can also arise from the lack of sleep, such as an increased risk of heart problems.
Untreated insomnia can wreak havoc in a person’s life, as the loss of sleep can make daily actions, such as driving to work, incredibly dangerous. It can also lead to mistakes at work because a person’s brain isn’t rested enough to notice any errors. Insomnia can even cause friction in personal relationships, as a sleep-deprived person cannot always function properly or think reasonably, leaving others to carry a greater load in responsibilities.

Insomnia Therapy & Treatment with KAV Mental Health & Psychiatry
KAV Mental Health & Psychiatry offers a comprehensive and personalized mental health approach to insomnia and related conditions for those from the Dayton, Cincinnati, and Columbus, OH areas.
Patients with insomnia can rely on KAV Mental Health & Psychiatry to take care of them using a whole-body approach, including sleep medications (or psychiatry to treat mental health disorders that lead to insomnia) that help patients get healthy, restful sleep. Individual counseling gives patients one-on-one time to discuss and relieve the stress that can cause insomnia, and group therapy is a welcoming place to listen to others going through similar experiences for support.
We proudly offer an online telehealth program to help with insomnia and other mental health disorders. Through our confidential video platform, patients can make appointments six days a week with same-day scheduling. You can get the care you need, when you need it, from the convenience of your home.